Presentation 2 Novità Libri : Monete Commemorative e Celebrative in Lire della Repubblica Italiana

MeBnet... diventa FAN | 



Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3

Personalizad Models

To adapt Mebnet to any type of collection, is possible to define some personalized models.

These models will be assigned of time in time to the collection in phase of creation. Then inside the Database, more collections can coexist with different models.

The personalized models allow to modify the name of the field of the Database, to establish its visibility, the used Font, the position of column in the grate of the general Prospectus. etc

Historical cards...and other

It completes the picture of MeBnet, the possibility to insert historical cards (notes) of characters, of the mints , of ruling, etc....

The only limit? your imagination...

Search Filter

In this window of search, it is possible to realize some queries, also type complex on various fields of the database.

The filtered results, can be exported in Excell file or can be printed using the special buttons of function

Collections Value

You have the possibility to visualize in synthetic form the value of his/her own collections?

This window shows in fact the value of purchase and respect of all the present collections in the database

Catalogs On Line

From the Menù Updatings it is possible during the connection to internet to unload / to adjourn the catalogs on line kindly offered by Incuso (

The catalogs to the moment available are:

bulletCatalog of Italian Numismatic
bulletEuro Catalog
bulletThe Coins in Mantua
bulletCatalog of French Numismatic

horizontal rule


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